Creating a new variable

First thing to do when it comes to leveraging personalization is to create a new variable.

  1. Open up a demo and click on the Variables button on the top editing bar
  2. By default Lancey creates three variables which includes First Name, Last Name and Email
  1. You can add a new variable by clicking the Create variable button. If you want to use a date variable, click on the drop down to select the Date variable option. Remember to give it a fallback value.

Using variables

After you’ve created a variable, we can now start using it within our demo. Each variables are local meaning they only impact the demo they’ve been created in.

To use variables in the demo, follow the steps below:

  1. Find any text element on page and click on the Edit text button that pops up on the menu.
  1. Click on Insert variable. Note that the variable will be added at your current cursor location within the text menu.

  2. Once you’ve inserted the variable, you’ll see the placeholder formatting for that variable with the name show up.

Only thing left to do is learn about how we can leverage the newly created variables to dynamically pump in information. When it comes to sharing your links, you have few options.

Capturing information through lead capture form

If you’ve enabled the Lancey lead capture form on your demos, the First Name, Last Name, and Email variables will automatically replace the variables with the values being provided by the viewer.

For example, if Michael Jordan was viewing your demo, every reference to First Name would be swapped with Michael and Last Name with Jordan.

Passing values through URL query parameters

Lancey also supports passing in the values for variables through the URL. This is the preferred approach when you have custom variables or want to pass in information that isn’t being provided by the viewed explicitly.

This applies to any URL you’ve created. Let’s use an example to illustrate.

If this was your demo link:

And you wanted to pass in the following values for variables named CompanyName = Netflix and Email = you can modify the URL so it reads: